Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Papers, Posts and Pain

So this is my first post ever as a blogger. Wow everyone probably starts out saying lame cliche stuff like that....oh well when in Rome....:)

Today is a weird day in the small town of Thatcher. Today was my last final! Yea! But not a triumphant yea, but rather just a quiet yea because I still have to write a paper for my online theatre history class (and yes I know that's not how the typical public spells theatre but that's how theatre people spell theatre so...get over it :))

Right now I'm in the media center trying to work on my paper and this foolio (no he doesn't work at western wats haha I threw that in there for you Elyse) right next to me, is playing his stupid loud rap crap and it's not helping my already wonderful headache. Yes that was sarcastic.

Besides the headache causing me pain, the dreaded paper and this being my first post (I love, absolutely LOVE alliteration haha) my life is pretty uneventful right now. It seriously never is. But I guess I do have interesting things happen to me so people have me convinced that I should right a book...well this is the closest I'm coming to it.

Today I will be finishing my paper (now that is a blatant lie), going back to my messy old house (my house is this old house next to the virgin mary shrine house....long story), downing several drugs to get rid of this headache and then I will get ready for dance. Yes the semester is technically over but alas I still have dance practice. We're performing for the faculty on Friday ( I really should have lied and told her I wasn't gonna be here..oh well). This is the reason why I will not be heading home to the wonderful White Mountains until Saturday.

All my roommates are leaving me this weekend! :( Britt and Elyse are leaving today......Elyse for good (I don't want to talk about it) and Jadyn's leaving tomorrow. So I will be all alone for the next couple of days. Let me just say this now... I don't do well with old houses, dark, cold nights, and being alone! This will be an interesting experience.

Well that's basically all she wrote and when I mean she...haha I mean me. I'm gonna go check and see if my stupid public speaking instructor put my grades in yet. (UGH I do NOT like him!) ttyl

1 comment:

Tawni said...

Woo hoo!!! im so glad you decided to get a blog spot you theatre lady you! Now you need to add my email to your friends so I can be titled one of the coolest people you know, because I definately think I deserve that title after 14 years of friendship. Anywho, here's my email: so add me!!! Love you tons holly ann!!!